'Your heart is slightly larger than the average human heart, but that's because you're a teacher.'
This quote of Aron Bacall (a columnist and a teacher himself) is proved
every now and then, but only those who have eyes to see it, realize it.
Teachers' role in students' lives often go far beyond just that of a tutor, even though it is not always recognised.
Nevertheless, teachers do not let themselves get demotivated. They do not rest, nor do they hope for materialistic benefits. They feel rewarded only when their students grow up to be ideal and righteous human beings!
To appreciate this selfless effort, Wordbridge School arranged a celebration program for all the teachers.
The day started with cards and flowers made and given to all teachers by their beloved students. The management committee of the school then awarded all teachers
with certificates highlighting their strongest attributes to the resounding cheer and applause of their students.
The teachers felt honoured and valued by this celebration. The day ended with a feast.
The event motivated the educators to move forward with more enthusiasm in their noble work.